Parenting for Parakeets

Sharada Annamaraju
1 min readFeb 18, 2021
A Rose-ringed parakeet sitting in the sunshine on a tree branch.
Photo by Martin Sepion on Unsplash

Two Rose-ringed parakeets have been making unsuccessful attempts at starting a brood this winter. A hollow has been found in the soft bark of a Bakain tree, and they have been fiercely guarding it. First forays into nest building seems to have been futile, as the parents-to-be went missing for a few days. Three-striped palm squirrels, a few quarrelsome mynahs were seen poking about in the hollow for their own broods, and were swatted away by the frantic parakeets who had made a comeback. A second, hopeful home-building incursion has been made. The business of child-rearing has left them bleary-eyed and trying to catch much needed rest. What began in autumn as the then courting parents excitedly cackled and kraww-ed, now has them silent as mice at the turn of spring, biding time before the young ‘uns need flying lessons.

